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Christmas Fare

A Magical Christmas (1996)

Jon and Julie Radcliff are facing the last Christmas of a marriage in trouble. The love they once shared has been tattered by time and torn apart by divergent goals. Their teenagers, Christie and Jordan, are rebellious, and their youngest child, six-year-old Ashley, is showing the hurt and confusion of her family’s turmoil.

Yet somehow the Christmas season must be gotten through, even if it is only for appearance’s sake. The perfect place for this is the Oak River Plantation, where the Radcliffs are promised a traditional Christmas. So imagine their surprise when they are met by the quaint couple in charge, Jesse and Clarissa Wainscott, dressed in costumes dating from before the Civil War. Have they somehow entered a place that spans the gulf between past and present?

Before Jon and Julie and their children can uncover the secrets surrounding their mysterious but marvelous hosts, they become aware of some profound truths about themselves—and they discover that love lost can be found, making the bond of marriage and family strong enough to survive—even triumph.

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The Last Noel (2007)


It's Christmas Eve, and all is neither calm nor bright

With a storm paralyzing New England, the O'Boyle household becomes prey to a pair of brutal escaped killers desperate to find refuge.

Skyler O'Boyle is convinced the only way they can live through the night is by playing a daring psychological game to throw the convicts off their guard. Threatened by a pair of Smith & Wessons, she has to pray that the rest of her family will play along, buying them time. Her one hope for rescue is that the men are unaware that her daughter, Kat, has escaped into the blizzard. But as the wind and snow continue to rage with all the vehemence of a maddened banshee, her prayers that Kat can somehow find help seem fragile indeed.

When Kat stumbles on a third felon, half-frozen and delirious, her shock deepens, because she recognizes Craig Devon immediately. What is the onetime love of her life doing back in town—and in such company? With the threat of death hanging over the O'Boyles, Craig is desperate to unload a vital secret that could change their destiny. But can he trust Kat with the truth? Because one false move and everything he's sacrificed will shatter—and this could be everyone's final Christmas alive.

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Home in Time for Christmas (2009)


Melody Tarleton is driving home for Christmas when a man—clad in Revolutionary War–era costume—appears out of nowhere, right in the path of her car. Shaken, she takes the injured stranger in, listening with concern to Jake Mallory's fantastic claim that he's a Patriot soldier executed by British authorities.

Bringing Jake to her parents' house, Melody concocts a story to explain the handsome holiday guest with the courtly manners and strange clothes. Mark, her close friend who wishes he were more, is skeptical, but her family is fascinated. So is Melody. Jake is passionate, charming and utterly unlike anyone she's ever met. Can he really be who he claims? And can a man from the distant past be the future she truly longs for?

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An Angel for Christmas (2012)


Christmas has never brought out the best in the MacDougal family. Still, year after year they gather together in the Blue Ridge Mountains to try to make the season merry and bright. But this year is an especially strained one, with Shayne's impending divorce, Morwenna's slavish devotion to work and Bobby's reluctance to face what life has to offer. They've never felt less like a family.

Then, in the midst of a sibling shouting match, a mysterious stranger appears. He could be a criminal, a madman—or something far more unexpected. Despite their fears and the growing danger in the dark woods around them, the MacDougals take a leap of faith. But when another stranger arrives on the mountainside, they don't know which of them to believe. One of these men can't be trusted. And one is about to bring Christmas into their hearts.

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Christmas Treasures (2014)

Presented together for the first time, New York Times Bestselling Author, Heather Graham brings back three out-of-print Christmas classics that are sure to inspire, amaze, and warm your heart.


Home for Christmas

It broke Travis's heart to see Isabelle go, but he was the Yankee captain who had commandeered her home and she was a daughter of the Confederacy. No matter how much he wished it, Travis knew only a miracle could keep Isabelle with him, and keep them together. Even in the war-torn South, Christmas miracles can happen.

Gifts of Love

Kaitlin, a poor but beautiful mail-order bride, travels west to discover Christmas joy, and finds more passion and adventure than she had bargained for in the arms of Shane, a rugged ex-gunfighter. Even in the wild-west a gunslinger and a mail-order bride can find a miracle in Christmas.

One Little Miracle

En route to an unwanted wedding across the sea, the noble French beauty, Lady Tessa Dousseau prays for a Christmas miracle. She receives her answer in a most unexpected way, when she is abducted by the devastatingly virile pirate: the Red Fox. Even rough seas and an even rougher pirate cannot keep a Christmas miracle at bay.

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Spirit of the Season (2018)


Even though she is a young widow with three children, a dilapidated Victorian house in constant need of repair, and no steady job, Becky Wexham has always had a knack for stretching a dollar. And, when the need arises, she is more than willing to take in her newly orphaned nine-year-old nephew, Davey.

Since Davey is happiest when playing baseball, Becky does everything she can to help him through Little League tryouts – even though a past flame Tim Yeagher, is the coach. Things get complicated when Tim tries to get Becky back, vowing not to let her slip through his fingers as she did before.

Meanwhile, Davey prays every night to his idol, Babe Ruth, to help him improve his game and his Aunt Becky’s love life. To the young boy’s surprise, the Babe comes through. Together, Davey and Becky learn a few things about baseball, love, and life; Just keep swinging, even when the strikes and fouls seem insurmountable. Keep giving it your all – keep believing – and anything’s never brought out the best in the MacDougal family. Still, year after year they gather together in the Blue Ridge Mountains to try to make the season merry and bright. But this year is an especially strained one, with Shayne's impending divorce, Morwenna's slavish devotion to work and Bobby's reluctance to face what life has to offer. They've never felt less like a family.

Then, in the midst of a sibling shouting match, a mysterious stranger appears. He could be a criminal, a madman—or something far more unexpected. Despite their fears and the growing danger in the dark woods around them, the MacDougals take a leap of faith. But when another stranger arrives on the mountainside, they don't know which of them to believe. One of these men can't be trusted. And one is about to bring Christmas into their hearts.


The Best Christmas Ever (2019)

Jackson Crow and his wife, Angela Hawkins, seldom leave the office for a vacation, much less at Christmas, when many of their agents are out in the field. But this year, Jackson wants to spend the holiday away, at an historic home in Virginia that he wants to buy--even if it is too far for them to commute to work each morning. Jackson is determined on getting the house, built for a relative on specs created by none other than Thomas Jefferson.

Angela knows the house; they had been there last Christmas for the wedding of Brodie and Dakota McFadden , but she is worried about leaving the D.C. area--just in case someone needs help on a case.

However, she has a special present for him this year, and after some thought, she decides this trip Jackson wants might just provide the perfect place for her to give it to him.

But over this holiday season, the house will prove to bring them far more than brick and stone...a present is awaiting them both that they'd never begun to imagine. It just might prove to be the best Christmas ever.

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